Jason 27th November 2018

What can I say about Len... I first met len after meeting his daughter sue many years ago. And he said " alright boy " First impressions were he seems alright!! he accepted me into his realm with open arms just as Cathy did , he became a friend and i spent many a day or night having a beer at the legion with him. i could see he loved his family with all his heart and would do anything for anyone of them and I could see they loved him too. Len was a strong man proud but had a heart of gold and soft deep down. Over the past few years I have raised funds for the RBL totally inspired by len and always had the chat after who raised the most obviously I couldn't compete with the big man he just had the knack and was one in million. Can't believe you've gone, but I'll look after your baby girl and grandson don't worry. Enjoy seeing Cathy again say hello from me. The song went " I did it my way "... and you did len you did it your way and you did the best you could. Love always jay.x